5 ways to create a warm & inviting Dental clinic waiting room

The design of your waiting room is an essential element to your patients experience at your dental practice. This first impression can set the overall tone for their visit and future return.  As a Dental Practice owner you have the ability to create a warm and inviting space to help your patients feel at ease. What does your practice and it’s waiting room say about you?
A memorable waiting room and reception area are not solely reliant on your outstanding fitout. The ambiance you can create is also of high importance. Utilising space for a childrens’ entertainment area, allowing for patients and employees privacy, alongside creating a suitable atmosphere through the use of discrete music are just a few of the many vital ways you can communicate the characteristics of your practice. Enhance your patients experience by making these simple improvements.

1. Offer a friendly greeting to each customer as they enter your practice.

A verbal ‘hello’ is the simplest ways to make people feel welcome as they arrive. Also think about the type of music that’s playing in the background. Is it suited to your demographic? You want your music to be relaxing to patients and something they will enjoy before their treatment.

2. Keep your entryway clean and clutter-free.

Visible uncleanliness is a customer turn-off — it can suggest that you and your staff are disorganized and inattentive to detail. There should also be an obvious path to your reception desk.

3. Provide relevant lighting.

There are a lot of lighting options out there, and the light sources you choose to incorporate in your clinic largely depend on what kind of mood you’re after. Soft, bright light gives people a sense of calm. Low, warm light emits a “homey” quality and can add to the atmosphere and charm of your practice if you’re going for more of a family vibe. However, lighting that looks and feels artificial—think fluorescent bulbs—often comes off as harsh, cold, and industrial, and generally does not create an inviting atmosphere.

4. Incorporate memorable details.

Lots of reception areas have water coolers; set your business apart by offering something fun and different. Establish areas of visual interest—fresh flowers, a well-maintained fish aquarium, or a beautiful piece of art. If you provide reading material in your waiting area, consider the interests of your clientele and put out magazines and books to suit.

5. Use decor to add personality.

Think of décor as a means of expression for your clinic—a way to reinforce your brand identity. This definitely is an area where you can get creative, but it helps to have some kind of focused concept. Too many clashing elements will overwhelm the senses and can portray an air of chaos.

Take a look at few clinic designs>>> click here

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  1. Virus culture is done on
    a. embryonated egg 
    b. non embryonated egg
    c. sarboud's agar
    d. blood agar 
  2. Ester L.A is contraindicated in:
    a)cholinesterase difficiency
    b)cougalatiin disordrs
    c)diabetic nephropathy,
    d) hyperparathyroidism
  3. Premaxillary part supplied by
    • Nasopalatine
    • Glossopharyngeal,
    • greater palatine,
    • anterior pharyngeal
  4. precision depend on
    • sample size
    • null hypothesis
    • type of study
    • alternate hypothesis
  5. For admission pt in hospital priority wil b gvn to...
    • pt with airway obstructn..
    • pt with head injury ...
    • pt with circulatory shock..
    • pt wit # in leg
  6. while maintaining airway which nerve gets
    affected at angle of mandible ??
    • 7
    • 9
    • 10
    • ?
  7. Dentin bonding agent... Hydrophobic part
    • attaches to collagen
    • of dentine
    • hydroxyapetite of enamel
    • resin of composite
  8. Band n loop contraindicated in all xcept?
    A. Single tooth missing in post region
    b. Lower ant. Crowding
    c. Mod to severe space loss
    d. High caries succeptibility
  9. Care index –
    (a) ratio of missing teeth to healthy teeth
    (b) ratio of filled teeth to teeth present
    (c) no. Of filled teeth per person
    (d) ratio of denture users to non denture users
  10. Dmf index measures what?
    A. Quantitative index
    b. Qualitative index
    c. Normal
  11. Dmf index measures what?
    A. Cumulative caries experience
    b. Oral hygeine
  12. The pyramidal shaped interdental gingiva is...
    A. Non kiratenized
    B. Parakeratinized.....
    C. Has less blood supply
    D. In cementum
  13. Oclusal rest provide by all except?
    Horizontal stability
    Verticl stop
  14.  Not a type of maxillary rpd using base metal
    lingual U plate
    palatal strap
    palatal plate
  15.  Split lingual bar is not preferred in
    contemporary partial denture, major disadvantage
    is a.
    complex design
    b.entrapment of tissues
    c.inadequate retention
    d.inadequate stability
  16.  Graft for mandibular reconstruction-
    Ant iliac crest
    Post. Iliac crest
  17.  Condyle is displaced medialy after fracture due
    to which muscle
    Medial pterygoid
    Lateral pterygoid
  18.  A patient having 102 celcius temp n lateral
    incisor non restorable carious left cheek is soft n
    palpable- treatment wud be-
    Incision n drainage
    Heat and fluids
  19.  Patient taking steroid undergoing oral surgery is
    given prior medication of
    Adrenaline to prevent shock
  20.  Which of this cause sleep apnea
    Orbital fracture
    Mandibular ameloblastoma
    Tmj ankylosis
    Dentigerous cyst
  21.  Bilateral circumferential echymosis is seen in
    a. Blow out fracture
    b. Lefort 3
    c. Condylar fracture
    d. ?
  22.  In gillies approach where is the forcep inserted?
    A. Between temporalis muscle and bone
    b. Superficial fascia and temporais fascia
    c. Temporalis muscle and fascia
    d. Skin and superficial fascia
  23.  Laser used to break adhesions in tmj
    c.he ne
  24.  Latest first line management of trigeminal
    anticonvulsant drug
    radiofrequency ablation
    peripheral neurectomy
  25.  Direct method of wiring
  26.  Cald well luc approach operation area of
    elevation iss.....???
    A.middle meatus
    B.superior m,
    C.inferior m.
    D.bw middle and inferior meatus
  27.  Airway maintenence in major oral surgical
    A.Cuffed nasotracheal
    b.Uncuffed nasotracheal
    c.Laryngeal mask airway
    d.Laryngeal mask airway
  28.  nasal antrostomy done thru-
    Inferior meatus,
    Middle meatus,
    Superior meatus
    Inferior & middle meatus
  29.  Distraction osteogenesis traction princilple
  30.  Removal of mandibular third molars 6 months
    prior to the osteotomy allows time for the sockets
    to heal, which decreases the chance of a
    bad split.
  31.  If impacted 3rd molar is to b excracted in patient
    planed for bisagital split osteotomy then shud b
    a. At the time of surgery
    b. 1 month prior to surgery
    c. 6 month prior surgery
    D after surgery
  32.  In mandubular block needle targeted toward.
    A.coronoid notch.
    B.sigmoid notch.
    C.neck of mandible.
  33.  Most potent topical LA is
  34.  L.a is deposited in infr alveolar nerve block near
    A) coronoid notch
    B) sigmoid notch
    C) groove of mandibular neck
    D) lingual (i too gues is mis speled for lingula)
  35.  Which of these is pierced during post supr
    alveolar n. Block
    m. Pterigoid
    l. Pterigoid
  36.  Most potent topical anaesthetic???
  37.  Non ulcerated, pigmentated fast growing growth
    in maxilla alveolar ridge of a childa.
    oral melanotic macule
    c.melanotic neuroectodermal tumor
    d.congential epulis
  38.  how to diagnose tongue thrusting
    Checking digit of patient
    Paper near nostrils
    Hold the lower lip tightly and ask him to drink
    Place paper between lips
  39.  Lower facial height is decreased in all except
    anterior open bite
    class 1 div 2
    deep bite
    growing children
  40.  Ricketts analysis......
    A. Lower lip shud lie on plane.
    B. 1mm behind plane.
    C. 2mm behind plane.
    D. 1mm in front of plane..
  41.  Self correcting anomaly at 9 yrs except
    Ugly duckling,
    Lower ant crowding,
    Open bite,
    End on molar relation
  42.  Ant posterior curvature of occlusal plane which
    seems as linear curve
    Curve of wilson
    Curve of spee
    Curve of monsoon
    Curve of bonwil
  43.  the nasolabial angle formed by...
    A. Line from nasion to pogonian with base of nose
    b.base of nose and upper lip.
    C. .........
    D. Anb with base of nose
  44.  Filler in alginate is
    Potassium alginate,
    Calcium sulphate,
    Diatomaceous earth ,
    Sodium phosphate
  45.  In cr-co base metal alloy wat is d function of
    A. Responsible for surface irregularities
    b. Increases corrosion n tarnish resistance
    c. ?
    D. ?
  46.  In mechanical trituration of amalgam, wat is
    adversely affected?
    A. Hardness of d filling
    b. Tarnish resistance
    c. Final gloss of filling
    d. Working time
  47.  w/p ratio of type iv dental stone:
    a..6 to .7
    b..4 to .5
    c..22 to .24
    d.28 to .30
  48.  What is used for d measurement of d setting
    A. Viket's needle test
    b. Vicker's test
    c. Brinell test
    d. Cold bend test
  49.  For complete wetting ,angle shud bea.
    min in hard tissues
    b.max in both dentin n enamel
    c.min in dentin n max in enamel
    d.min in enamel n max in dentin
  50.  According to scientists....
    a. Head and tail both are resistant to dissolution
    b)Head and tail both are not resistant to dissolution
    c)Head is more resistant to desolution
    d)Tail is more resistant to desolution
  51.  True about Tome’s fibers
    A. Cytoplasmic extensionso f dentinl tubules,
    B. Periodntl fib xtendng into root dentine.
    C. collagen fibers in dentine
    D. Periodontal fibers ending into root cementum
  52.  Least sensitiv to pain
    buccal mucosa
  53.  water content in enamela.
    2 to 3 %
    b.6 to 7%
    c.10 to 12%
    d. 20 to 25 %
  54.  Enamel lamellaea.
    Enamel molecules uniformly arranged
    b.enamel rod from enamel to dentin
    c.dentinal tubules from dentin to enamel
    d. Outer elevation on enamel surface,
  55.  Fovea palatine on both sides of midline shows
    a.opening of minor salivary gland ducts
    b.groove/impression on greater palatine area
    C.crypts f tosils
  56.  Which of d following is hypotonic...
    Normal saline
    Ringer lactate
    5% dextrose
  57.  a 60 yr old patient who was admitted to hospital
    has a sudden cardiorespiratory arrest, what is the
    emergency method followed to maintain airway
    and oxygenation.. i think this was the exat language.
    c)nasai intubation
    d)oral intubation
  58.  Mask intubation is difficult in all except
    Full set of teeth
    Habit of snoring
    Old age
  59.  A 30yr old male road traffic accident a patient
    developed shock, which solution shud b gvn
    a. Joule's soln
    b. Ringer lactate soln
    c. LMW dextran
    d. Normal saline
  60.  In bell's palsy, wich one of the duct is affected
  61.  2010 ACLS guideline does not include
    A.atropine for asystole
    B.ask for help for witnessed or nonwitness case
    C.use defibrillator how much maximum energy
    D.cardiac massage to be done after defibrillation
    without waitin to assess rhythm
  62.  Hypertonic solutions are used in all except.
    b.brain injury patient
    c.prolonged bowel surgery
    d.type 4 shock
  63.  Shy Dragor Syndrome is
    a. Vasovagal syncope
    b. Ortho hypotension
    c. Intestinal polyps
    d. Adrenal suppression shock
  64.  delayed prolonged effect after injury d/ta.
    histamin release n endothelial retraction
    b.interlukin 1 n endothelial retraction
    D.newly formed blood vessesls
  65.  Maximum dose articaine dose that can be given
    a. 1.3 mg/kg
    b. 5.4 mg?Kg
    c. 6mg/kg
    d. 7mg/kg
    Ans is D. 7mg/kg
  66.  adrenal suppression caused by which
    anaesthetic? 1.thiopentone.
  67.  G.A having an antiemetic effect
    a. Propofol
    b. Etomidate
    c. Ketamine
    d. Thiopentone
  68.  Ionotropic agent correct is
    a. Adrenaline increses renal perfusion. ..
    B. Dobutamine cause peripheral vasoconstriction
    c.dopamine causes increase blood flow
    D.digoxin causes hepatic vasodilation
  69.  endotoxin of which gram negative bacteria
    doesnt participate in natural defence mechanism
    a. E.coli
    b. Salmonella
    c. V. Cholera
    d. Klebsiella
  70.  organism associated wid pyrexia of unknown
    a-salmonella type
    b-salmonella paratype
    d-mycobacterium tuberculosis
  71. breast milk contains which essentaial fatty acid-
    Lenoloic acid
    Palmitic acid
    Docosahexanoic acid
  72. Important source of cholesterol is-
    Coconut oil,
    Hydrogenated fat,
  73. Wich is nt monosacharide?
  74. Which of the following is not a general
    component of body
    blood plasma
    peritoneal fluid
  75. The heat required to evaporate the vapor on
    going of water is( framed from kar 99- again from
    dentest basics)
    a. Latent heat of fusion
    b. Latent heat of vapourisation
    c. Latent heat of sublimation
    d. Melting temperature
  76. permanent dipole is seen ina.
    b.liquid nitrogen
  77. sharp stabbing pain from anterior teeth
    conducted to brain by
    A delta fibres ,
    C fibres
  78. muscle stretch conducted by
    Myelinated fibres
    Gamma fibres
    C fibres ,
    A delta fibres
  79. Oxygen free radicals in lysosome is released by
    NADPH oxidase
    Superoxide dismutase
  80. Saliva after undergoing changes in the duct is...
    A) Isotonic
    c) hypertonic sometimes
    D) hypertonic sometimes
  81. Which of d following buffer has least effect in
    stimulated saliva?
    A)amino acid
    Membrane of peripheral nv is
    a- relatively permeable to k+
    b- immpermeable to k+
    c- relatively permeable to Na+
    d- relatively permeable to Cl-
  83. On cut blood on both ends ear lobe lower lip
    angle of mouth , angle of jaw
  84. Lymphatics not draing tongue
    posterior vesel
    central vesl
    marginal vesl
    ventral vesl
  85. Tendons of gracilis, semitendinous n sartorius dat
    Attach on tibia form pes anserinus.. Similar
    structure is seen in
    Submandi gland
  86. Muscle responsible for lateral movement of
    Medial and lateral pterygoid
    Masseter and lateral pterygoid
    Masseter & Medial pterygoid
  87. Infection from dangerous are of face travel to
    cavernous sinus thrombosis by
    Ptyigoid venous plexus
  88. Tuft cells are receptors seen on ?( aims nov
    a) TMJ
    b) Lining of max sinus
    c) Cell rich zone
    d) Excretory duct of salivary gland
    Ans is D - Excretory duct of salivary gland
    Tencate’s Oral Histology 5th ed Pg No 510
  89. Deviation of tongue to left nerve affected
  90. Which of these is not a part of ethmoid bone
    A) Agger nasi
    B) Inferior turbinate
    C) Uncinate process
    D) Cribriform plate or crista gali
  91. epidural hematoma occurs due to –
    Middle meningeal artery,
    Anterior cerebral artery
    Vertebral artery
    Basilar artery
  92. opening of mouth directed by :
    lateral pterygoid
    medial pterygoid

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